The Fabulous Fifties and Beyond is part of the cable TV program and syndicated newspaper column of the same name. Our mantra is "Use It Or Lose It", urging those in the 50's and beyond age group to do something with the life they have remaining. Write a book, travel, volunteer...do something. We are looking for stories of individuals and groups that are "using it". Shows streaming at http://tv.westkentucky.kctcs.edu/videoclips/50s/
Sunday, October 03, 2010
Discover Effective Anti-Aging Strategies
Some people feel that aging or growing old is like paying for something you haven’t consumed. But, if aging is understood properly and preventive measures are done in an orderly manner, then aging shouldn't feel like a torture or a punishment for something you haven't done.
The following are just some of the simple anti-aging strategies you can apply to your daily life. These are generic so that is why you are also encouraged to develop your own anti-aging strategy that can suit you and your needs best.
1. Do everything you can to maintain a healthy weight. Maintaining a healthy weight that corresponds to your height is one of the best ways to avoid early signs of aging. By maintaining a healthy weight, you can also avoid various coronary heart diseases and other conditions that can be linked with obesity.
By keeping your weight in check, you can achieve a healthy life that can veer you away from aging. Keeping a healthy weight is also possible by eating fruits and vegetables, limiting fat and calorie intake, and with regular work out and exercise.
2. Quit smoking. Smoking is truly dangerous not only to your health but also to those people surrounding you. If you can, you must start developing a routine in order to quit smoking. When you stop smoking, you can reduce the risk of having heart diseases and lung diseases such as cancer.
3. Shield yourself from the sun's damaging rays. Protecting yourself from the sun's deadly rays is one of the best anti-aging strategies out there. Since exposure to the sun is one of the major causes of skin aging, less exposure to it can help you reduce the risk factor of skin cancer. To protect your skin further, avoid sun exposure from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and always apply sun block on your skin when you're outdoors.
4. Drink plenty of water. Hydrating your skin is also one of the best anti-aging skin strategies out there. Make sure that you provide your body enough water and not with fluids that can damage organs in the body and weaken the immune system such as alcohol.
5. Stay happy. Most people would agree that staying happy is the best anti-aging strategy out there because it gives you a positive outlook in life that makes him or her stay young in body, mind and soul.
Jim and Jeanetta Pollard, Host of Television Show, "The Fabulous Fifties and Beyond"
Check out their new releaseGuide To Dealing With and Caring For The Elderly
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Guide to Dealing With and Caring For the Elderly
Introducing, Guide to Dealing With and Caring For the elderly
Elder care is rewarding, but not devoid of its challenges. Being a caregiver requires patience; however, you can develop most of the skills required to become a caregiver by reading the 80-page eBook, “Guide To Dealing With and Caring for the Elderly.”
In a very interesting, readable manner, this book explains exactly how you can take good care of your elders and see that they remain healthy and fit always.
These Are Some Of The Tips You Will Find In The Book :
A Caregiver's Guide To Coping With Stress
Caring For The Elderly: Working With Their Money
Coping With Unreasonable Behaviour When Caring For The Elderly
Effective Caring For Your Elderly Relatives: Home Help
Going To A Better Place
Keeping It At Arm’s Length
Listening To Your Parents Even Now
Managing Your Senior Citizen’s Medications
Quality Of Life For Your Senior Citizen
Taking Care Of Yourself Is Part Of The Job
The Basics Of Caring For The Elderly: Pressure Sores
The Golden Rule Of Caring For The Elderly Revealed!
The Greatest Loss Of Them All
The Layman's Guide To Parkinson's Disease
Watching Your Step: Avoiding And Dealing With Falls While Caring For The Elderly
Adult Day Care Center – A Place For The Elderly
The Basics Of Personal Hygiene For The Elderly
4 Most Common Ailments Affecting The Elderly
Administering Wound Care And First-Aid To The Elderly
Rebuilding Self Esteem Among The Elderly
Easing Into Care Giving
Outings For The Elderly – A Walk In The Park?
Giving Thanks For Being A Caregiver
Avoiding Guilt Pangs In The Elderly
Safeguarding The Health Of The Elderly
Protecting The Elders From Scams And Rip-Offs
Making A Difference-Involving The Elderly In Social Service
Respecting The Rights Of Senior Citizens
Taking Care Of Yourself As Well As The Elderly: Vacation And Respite
The Best Activities To Stimulate Mentally Ill Seniors
5 Ways To Maintain Your Health While Caring For The Elderly
The Caregiver's Enemy No.1
Moving Your Elderly Parents Into Your Home – A Boon Or Bane?
And Much More...
Why spend another weeks and months trying to figure out all of the steps it takes to master the elderly care giving techniques -- when you can get now the guide that will show you exactly how to take action?
Check out this new ebook at http://www.eldercare.santasmarketing.com
Monday, September 13, 2010
Anti-Aging Prevention and Cure
Want to live a long and healthy life while successfully preventing the appearance of aging on your skin? Before embarking on an anti-aging regimen, treatment of products, you must first be able to properly manage your expectations.
First of all, aging is a natural process and an obsession against aging isn't healthy. However, it is quite important and beneficial to try to maintain health and promote longevity by staying generally healthy. Health maintains youthfulness and it ensures that you won't grow old or show signs of it before it is absolutely time.
Next, you must understand that anti-aging management needs to be handled through several lifestyle enhancements and aging problems can't be solved miraculously by a pill or panacea. Health and well being is achieved only through the existence of balance among three components needed in your life and these are: mental health; physical health; and emotional health.
Healthy body
The physical health aspect is achieved with constant proper nutrition and regular exercise. Keeping the body healthy and functioning healthily ensures that its processes aren't disrupted. Disruption in bodily functions caused by poor health and the predisposition to illnesses causes damage in cell tissues and this accumulated damage is what we call aging.
Healthy mind
When we age we lose irreplaceable brain cells. In fact, in old age, damages to the brain begin to manifest itself in the form of dementia. While is a natural fact of life that we will indeed lose brain cells along the way, there are certain stimuli and factors that speed up the loss of brain cells and affect our mental faculties. Aside from keeping an open mind and trying to continue to learn as we grow older, proper nutrition and physical exercise are essential to maintaining the brain's health.
Healthy feelings
Our emotions are actually a result of the chemical reactions in our body. Certain chemicals and hormones are triggered depending on the stimuli we experience, These chemicals and hormones then send signals to the brain and our cognitive functions then in turn dictate our emotions. This is why it is important to combine mental and physical health.
A good balance between the two ensures a healthy well being. If we are unable to control our emotions we may succumb to stress. which in turn has the power to alter our overall health. Stress takes a toll on our body and makes us act irrationally.
Remember to be as active as you feel you can, get out and do spmething.
"Use It or Lose It"
Sunday, September 12, 2010
The Mayonnaise Jar
When things in your life seem almost too much to handle,
When 24 hours in a day is not enough;
remember the mayonnaise jar and 2 cups of coffee.
A professor stood before his philosophy class
and had some items in front of him.
When the class began, wordlessly,
he picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar
and start to fill it with golf balls.
He then asked the students if the jar was full.
They agreed that it was.
The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured
it into the jar. He shook the jar lightly.
The pebbles rolled into the open areas between the golf balls.
He then asked the students again
if the jar was full. They agreed it was.
The professor next picked up a box of sand
and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else
He asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded
With an unanimous 'yes.'
The professor then produced two cups of coffee from under the table
and poured the entire contents into the jar, effectively
filling the empty space between the sand.
The students laughed.
'Now,' said the professor, as the laughter subsided,
'I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life.
The golf balls are the important things - God, family,
children, health, friends, and favorite passions
Things that if everything else was lost
and only they remained, your life would still be full.
The pebbles are the things that matter like your job, house, and car..
The sand is everything else --
The small stuff.
'If you put the sand into the jar first,' he continued,
'there is no room for the pebbles or the golf balls.
The same goes for life.
If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff,
You will never have room for the things that are
important to you.
Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness.
Play with your children.
Take time to get medical checkups.
Take your loved ones out to dinner.
There will always be time
to clean the house and fix the dripping tap.
'Take care of the golf balls first --
The things that really matter.
Set your priorities. The rest is just sand.'
One of the students raised her hand
and inquired what the coffee represented.
The professor smiled.
'I'm glad you asked'.
It just goes to show you that no matter how full your life may seem,
there's always room for a couple of cups of coffee with a friend.'
Please share this with other "Golf Balls"
Monday, September 06, 2010
Anti-Aging For Dummies
Want to live a long and healthy life while successfully preventing the appearance of aging on your skin? Before embarking on an anti-aging regimen, treatment of products, you must first be able to properly manage your expectations.
First of all, aging is a natural process and an obsession against aging isn't healthy. However, it is quite important and beneficial to try to maintain health and promote longevity by staying generally healthy. Health maintains youthfulness and it ensures that you won't grow old or show signs of it before it is absolutely time.
Next, you must understand that anti-aging management needs to be handled through several lifestyle enhancements and aging problems can't be solved miraculously by a pill or panacea. Health and well being is achieved only through the existence of balance among three components needed in your life and these are: mental health; physical health; and emotional health.
Healthy body
The physical health aspect is achieved with constant proper nutrition and regular exercise. Keeping the body healthy and functioning healthily ensures that its processes aren't disrupted. Disruption in bodily functions caused by poor health and the predisposition to illnesses causes damage in cell tissues and this accumulated damage is what we call aging.
Healthy mind
When we age we lose irreplaceable brain cells. In fact, in old age, damages to the brain begin to manifest itself in the form of dementia. While is a natural fact of life that we will indeed lose brain cells along the way, there are certain stimuli and factors that speed up the loss of brain cells and affect our mental faculties. Aside from keeping an open mind and trying to continue to learn as we grow older, proper nutrition and physical exercise are essential to maintaining the brain's health.
Healthy feelings
Our emotions are actually a result of the chemical reactions in our body. Certain chemicals and hormones are triggered depending on the stimuli we experience, These chemicals and hormones then send signals to the brain and our cognitive functions then in turn dictate our emotions. This is why it is important to combine mental and physical health.
A good balance between the two ensures a healthy well being. If we are unable to control our emotions we may succumb to stress. which in turn has the power to alter our overall health. Stress takes a toll on our body and makes us act irrationally.
It is important that we remain active. Write a book, paint a picture, make a piece of pottery, volunteer at your local hospital, do something.
"Remember Use It or Lose It"
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Aging That You Can't Control
Although aging skin is a natural part of life, when it will start and how it will progress will largely depend on two factors— one that you have no control of and one that will depend solely on you.
Like everything else in the world, aging is a function of the genes and the natural flow of life. It is basically biological in nature and though there are some factors that can hasten or slow down the process, there is little that you can do to stop it.
There are hereditary factors that are already pre-determined. And though these aren't necessarily signs of growing old but rather hereditary characteristics that are naturally part of yourself, these may still make you appear much older. There are aspects in your skin that are already there, waiting for triggers in the environment and the time that passes. This is because we basically inherit from our parents the method or way by which we grow old. There are some people who age well while there are others who don't and appear far older than their chronological ages.
Often, these hereditary manifestations of age can be seen in the tiny lines at the edge of the eyes or the wrinkles surrounding it. This is the reason why there are some people who have these so-called laugh lines even when they are younger.
Deep creases along the sides of the nose and the mouth are other hereditary lines that people develop when they grow old. Another worthy of mentioning are the number of lines that we get on the forehead or the furrows along the browline.
Drooping eyelids are also very common even in people who are young. There are just some people who have downward slants to their eyes. And though this isn't necessarily a sign of aging, it is something that will make the face appear older than its actual age.
Some people also have loose skin along their jaw line. And though this isn't actually sagging skin, having this excess skin can appear like the whole face is melting down and sagging.
In addition to this, there are also "old signs" in areas like the legs that we can inherit from our parents such as the development of cellulite and varicose veins, which can make people look older. The same can be said of baldness especially for men and the development of white hair early in life.
All in all, just take what you have and enjoy life to its fullest.
"Remember use it or lose it."
Monday, August 23, 2010
Anti-Aging: Good Nutrition And A Healthy Brain
The industry for anti-aging products, services and treatments continue to grow as more and more people continue to depend and demand them with the desire for the elusive fountain of youth. Instead of looking outward though, people should realize the importance of looking within to be able to successfully win the anti-aging battle.
The idea of "looking within" is more than just a philosophical argument. Going beyond cosmetic treatments as a sound anti-aging strategy is quite reliable and grounded on science. It is true that beauty is skin deep because it is our skin or our outward appearance that announces the fact that we are no longer youthful. Beneath the skin tissues are processes and bodily functions that need to be maintained in order to preserve youthfulness. The body is maintained and kept functioning with efficiency and effectiveness through the proper uninterrupted body systems and functions.
The key to keeping the body healthy in order to continue to be able to power these important body functions is proper nutrition.
We simply can't expect to fill our bodies with junk and expect it to run at optimum levels. If you have difficulty understanding this concept, you might want to use the analogy of a car. A car runs on gasoline. If you put other types of fuel in it like diesel and kerosene, the car won't work and the engine may be damaged. Now there are different types of gasoline that you can use for your car. To get the most out of your car's performance you have to understand the octane rating of your engine and use the appropriate type of gasoline.
Just like a car, the body needs the proper types of food as fuel, which can be achieved by maintaining a proper and healthy diet. Combined with just the right amounts of exercise, our bodies can metabolize our diet properly and our bodies are supplied with the proper fuel that it needs.
Aside from keeping us physically fit, exercise is also an excellent way to keep our brains healthy. Exercise promotes a healthy supply of oxygen to the brain. You see, beyond cosmetics, proper nutrition and a healthy brain are keys to truly winning the anti-aging battle.
More and more people experience dementia and other forms of brain degradation as they get older and keeping the brain healthy through proper nutrition and exercise helps stave off this phenomenon.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Aging In Your Own Terms
Everybody will grow old. The years will pile up in our lives and from 20s, we will reach our 30s, then our 40s and then our 50s. It is a natural process as inevitable as life and death. Though it is something that will eventually happen this doesn't mean that it will happen anytime soon. Although we can’t stop it from happening, we can certainly determine how we age and when we age.
This is the reason why there are people who in their 80s are still in their prime, able to work incessantly and still have sharp minds, sometimes even sharper than those who are in their 50s or 60s. However, there are also those in their 80s that are very forgetful and inactive. They find it hard to move let alone play sports or work.
This is a testament that people themselves determine how they age. And though the genes have something to do with it, it doesn't necessarily determine the whole forecast. In a study conducted by the John and Catherine MacArthur Foundation, it seems that the genes only make up a small part of a person’s aging process. The rest is dependent on the person.
Below are some of the things that you can do in order to age well.
1. Be active
One common mistake people make is that they often associate old age with rusty bones and inactivity. This shouldn't be the case. The more active a person is, the better he will age because activity and exercise will build muscles and strengthen the bones. Remember the theory of use and disuse. The more we don’t use a part of the body, the more it will disintegrate into nothing.
2. Practice your mind
One trick to avoid having Alzheimer’s disease or being forgetful in general is to engage in mental activities. Answer a crossword puzzle. Read the newspaper everyday. Keep yourself up to date with the latest news in the country. Debate with your children or even with your grandchildren. Use your mind.
3. Have a purpose
Another secret to aging well is to have a purpose in life even when you are old. Find something to do with your time whether it is a hobby that you have done in the past or a new hobby that you have been wanting to try for years.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Just for laughs….
1. You accidentally enter your password on the microwave.
2. You haven’t played solitaire with real card in years.
3. You have a list of 15 phone numbers to reach your family of 3.
4. You e-mail the person who works at the desk next to you.
5. The reason for not staying in touch with family and friends is that they don’t have e-mail addresses.
6. You pull up in your driveway and use your cell phone to see if anyone is home to help you carry in the groceries.
7. Every commercial on television has a web site at the bottom of the screen.
8. Leaving the house without your cell phone, which you didn’t have the first 20 or 30 or 60 years of your life, is now a cause for panic and you turn around and go get it.
10. You get up in the morning and go online before getting your coffee.
11. You start tilting you head sideways to smile.
12. You’re reading this and nodding and laughing.
13. Even worse, you know exactly who you are going to send this message to.
14. You are too busy to notice there was no #9 on this list.
15. You actually scrolled back up to check that wasn’t a #9 on this list.
Monday, August 09, 2010
Aging Across The Ages
Different people age in different ways. This is perhaps because aging, although a natural occurrence, is a function of genetics and environment.
The genes play a role in terms of the skin that we are endowed with. People whose parents look youthful will most likely have young-looking skin compared to people whose parents already look mature. Race is also a factor as in Asian people who generally have better skin compared to their Caucasian counterparts.
But skin condition as you age isn't just the result of the genes. The way we take care of our skin says a lot about the future condition of our skin. People whose lifestyle habits include smoking and drinking will have more chances of developing wrinkles and lines than those who live cleanly. People whose stress levels are high may also age faster than people who know how to relax. The same goes with people who often have stern and serious expressions.
Our diet is also a factor in aging. People who eat right and have balanced meals will have nourished and supple skin compared to those who don’t. The same can be said of people who drink lots of water. Fruits and veggies are actually pretty important in keeping the skin healthy and young.
But what do you do if aging settles in at a certain age?
Here are some of the dilemmas that people in different age ranges encounter.
People in their 20s will have more sun exposure. This is because of their habits to sunbathe and to tan themselves.
Solution: Get into the program of using sun blocks to protect your skin from the harmful rays of the sun. Those with SPF 30 and above are recommended.
Acne and inflammations are prevalent
Solution: These should be treated immediately to prevent scarring and discoloration of the skin.
Hair loss in men may start at this time.
Solution: Have your pattern alopecia treated immediately as treatment is best done at this stage of life.
Skin may start to age.
Solution: Sun blocks are essential to your skin life. Eat a diet that is rich in anti-oxidants like Vitamin C, E, Selenium and Omega-3 fatty acids. Also, have it checked by a dermatologist especially if you have contact allergies.
Aging is already apparent.
Solution: have frequent skin exams to make sure that your skin stays healthy. If a sore on the skin is slow to heal, consult with your doctor.
Imperfections in the skin like benign keratoses and sun spots will often appear.
Solution: It is good to have them removed.
Saturday, August 07, 2010
Fabulous Fifties and Beyond TV Show
Guest Al Knusten talks about the work of RSVP and the upcoming Legends Show.
Tuesday, August 03, 2010
A Wholesome Life for Anti-Aging
The proverbial “Fountain of Youth” is an illusion because aging is a natural process. There are many ways to be exposed to aging very rapidly. Tangible physical manifestations and inclinations come along with it as we increase in years.
The modern day human is luckier to go along with the latest innovations of how to control or slow down the aging process. With all the means created to build a make-believe world of the forever youthful looking face and overall appearance, surgical means such as liposuctions, facelifts, stretching, or other cosmetic surgeries and external cosmetic applications have been raising levels of sales on the market today.
Bone surgeries to straighten and recapturing curved bone lines have been prominently patronized by a number of people, not only in terms of curing ailments; but for restoration of lost posture.
If you dig further, what’s the big fuss to deter the aging process artificially, one in proper fame of senses will raise an eyebrow. Women especially are more concerned with this malady. It’s so feared because women’s biological make-up and metabolism is more critically at stake than her brother, the male species. Females are less endowed to reach out to flawless access to that youth fountain before she reaches the age of 60. At this age, she develops wrinkles, and impaired overall appearance seemingly obvious in particular parts of the body, if she had failed to afford all the artificial ingredients to preserve that lost youthful pleasing appearance.
Simple analysis, tact and basic common sense are all that's needed to cope with youthful looks. Anti-aging solutions are as simple as living a down to earth life of cleanliness, devoid of vices that brings the human body radicals that poison the internals of God’s image in us. When our body was created, it was not meant to be repaired thru artificial means, but to let it be as wholesome, and untainted through out the days it’ll live in this world.
Natural Ways and Means to Combat Aging
Avoid the sun’s (ultra violet rays) exposure. It induces the skin to deep wrinkles above anything else.
Simplest exercise of walking some of amount of 30 minutes daily, divided at random during the day.
Maintain a lifestyle that helps uplift your spiritual, mental, physical well-being.
Observe and implement properly the “food Pyramid” chart.
Maintain a wholesome life, free from stresses, clean internal feelings, and external (physical).
Good posture is of the essence, so you won’t look elderly in a curved body.
Always do a good massage of your scalp to avoid early graying hairs.
Keep updated with present innovations in technology to feel youthful. Feelings of contentment on being abridged and coping with time, and accomplishments takes a lot of anti-aging effects.
The formula for happiness is a fact, if you are always happy, you won't grow old as fast.
Save money for the “rainy days.” Lacking the means finances steals peace of mind and contentment, complicates the mind, and makes you depressed and insecure.
Debts make a stressful life, avoid them.
Get good sleep above all.
Have a positive outlook in life. Stay away from people with negative attitudes.
Sunday, July 04, 2010
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Activities Promoting Healthy Aging
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Five Simple Ways To Prevent Aging
Five Simple Ways To Prevent Aging
People don’t always have to apply creams, go to the gym or undergo surgery to look young. This is because everything we need is right in front of us and all we have to do is make the most of it. Here are a few simple ways to prevent aging.
1. Studies show that exercise allows you to stay fit and strong. But did you know that sweating allows the body to exfoliate bacteria hidden in the pores? This is the reason you should bring a towel to the gym or while jogging so it can be wiped off.
2. The human body just like the planet earth is composed mainly of water. Every time we exert energy, this element is used and has to be replaced. This is the reason that doctors advise us to drink at least 8 glasses a day. Of course, there is nothing wrong with drinking more than the required volume especially after an exercise.
3. Exercise isn't enough to control anti-aging if nothing is done to improve the diet. When kids grow up, most of the food should be high in carbohydrates. Adults should substitute that with those that are high in proteins. You can do research on the web or read books about this to know which ones should be part of the lifestyle change.
4. We have always heard health experts say that people should get at least 8 hours of sleep but despite this advice, there are those who rest for only 4 to 6 everyday. One way to increase this is by reducing the time watching late night television or partying till the early morning so the body will be ready for the challenges of the following day.
5. Stress contributes to aging and the best way to control it is by being organized. You can jot things down on note pads instead of remembering important details in the head. Studies have shown that doing this aids in memory retention and lets the subconscious work on ideas that will just pop up in the morning.