By Mrs. Claus, Jeanette Pollard
When I think back on my life and think of my mother, I think of the wonderful legacy that she left us.
Hers was not an easy life. We lived on a farm. There were always cows to milk, gardens to plant and hoe, canning to be done and clothes to be made. Most of our food and clothes were all made at home. I remember when I went to school I would take my lunch. I would always have a piece of homemade cake. Two of my good friends would always have “bought” cakes. We would trade desserts. My homemade cake was a treat for them as their “bought” ones were for me.
I think the thing I remember most about my mother was her gift of caring for others. I remember when I was a child and daddy would be gone in our one car. She would hear of someone who was sick. This person might live one, two miles or more away, but that wouldn’t keep her from walking to go see them.
Recently I was in the beauty shop and saw one of Mother’s friends. She told me she remembered Mother walking about a mile in the snow to visit someone who was ill.
Not only did she visit sick people, but she and my dad would always be some of the first people to a home where a family member had just died. They would come bringing food.
Mother lived alone for almost fifteen years after my dad died. The last few years she was alive we had to have someone with her all the time. We hired someone to stay with her five days a week. We four girls stayed with her nights and weekends.
When we first hired someone, the lady was staying twenty-four hours a day for five days a week. She was only charging $30 a day. We thought surely Mother wouldn’t think that was too much, but she did. After a couple of weeks, she fired her. She fired the second lady who was charging about the same. I think she lasted three weeks. After this we just had to start paying the sitter without Mother knowing we were paying her. She just couldn’t understand that people no longer went and sat with people just because they loved people and wanted to help them. The day of the paid sitters had arrived.
I know she is now being paid in a way that is far better than any earthly monetary rewards. She was investing for eternity.
A few months ago our daughter was supposed to come and visit us. She called and said she couldn’t come. A friend of hers mother had died. She had promised her that when this happened, she would keep her children for her. Valerie’s comment to us was, “If you all hadn’t taught me to help others, I probably wouldn’t be doing this.”
When you have departed this world, what kind of legacy will you leave your children and grandchildren? Will they remember you taking the time to do kind deeds for others or will they only remember you working so you can buy some more “stuff” and rushing to and fro – always in a hurry?
Take time now to let your children and grandchildren see you going about doing good. Tomorrow may be too late. We are only guaranteed today.
Jeanetta Pollard has authored two books “Mrs. Claus Shares Stories From The Heart” and “Stories Of Hope”. She lives in Kentucky with her husband known as“The Real Santa” Jim.Pollard

The Fabulous Fifties and Beyond is part of the cable TV program and syndicated newspaper column of the same name. Our mantra is "Use It Or Lose It", urging those in the 50's and beyond age group to do something with the life they have remaining. Write a book, travel, something. We are looking for stories of individuals and groups that are "using it". Shows streaming at
Wednesday, May 02, 2001
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