Sunday, May 23, 2010

Activities Promoting Healthy Aging

Activities Promoting Healthy Aging

Lack of activities can prevent you from living healthy. When you do not enjoy activities, you may feel fatigue or find it difficult to sleep at night. When you awake in the morning, you may feel tired until you finally fall asleep. As we, age our body change and we have to make changes to accommodate our lives.

Having a good night sleep makes the mind think more clearly. A good night sleep also boosts your energy while controlling your weight. You can also make decisions with less stress. Sleeping well at night makes our immune system stronger to keep us healthier.  Researchers have proved that a good nights sleep is necessary for our health.  Researchers have found that lack of sleep reduces the growth hormones in our bodies, since it changes muscles to fat. Sleep overall is most important, yet it stands behind activities. To improve your health, try walking each day.

Walking will help to loosen our muscles, reduces stress and depression along with anxiety. By reliving these things, it will help us to sleep for a longer and deeper period.  So, when we wake up in the morning we feel happier and more rested.

When you exercise, you get a good night sleep, which promotes metabolism. Without the right amount of sleep, our bodies crave energy. Our body will release insulin or glucose into the bloodstream, which slows down metabolism. This action causes the body to gain weight, rather than control weight. 

When a person feels exhausted, they will feel weak and repressed from enjoying activities. This leads to additional problems. Sleeping right balances out our bodies giving us, more energy leading to more activities that will satisfy our sleep needs.

What to avoid:
To rest proper and feel active you must reduce your intake of caffeine, nicotine, harmful chemicals, such as over-the-counter meds that keep you awake, alcohol and so on. The chemicals and substances will keep you awake. Try to avoid drinking anything after 8 p.m. in the evening. Nicotine should be avoid if possible, yet if you must smoke try to avoid smoking after 8 p.m.

Start a walking program in the morning to help wake you up, while boosting your energy. You will feel better since the joints will feel flexible enough to move freely. In addition, walking will help you burn fat and calories. You’ll notice a big change in how you feel the rest of the day.  Start out walking at a slow steady pace for as far as your comfortable.  Each day pick up the pace a bit and walk further. Just remember when walking that you want to work up to a steady brisk walk to make you sweat but not out of breath. Take a short walk before and after meals to calm your nerves, and burn calories too, it will give you energy, relieve that stress from the long day and help you sleep.

If you start a walking program for yourself, it is a lot more fun if you have someone to go with you. Talk to that neighbor you don’t know and maybe they’ll walk with you. Just think about it; you’ll be acquainted with someone new, talk about new things will relieve stress and get in you exercise as well. This might help that neighbor too who maybe hasn’t seen or talked to anyone in a couple of days and than they can sleep better at night.

After walking that brisk walk your doing be sure to cool down. When walking at a vigorous pace your heart rate will go up and it needs to be back to normal. Just walk a bit slow and relaxing until you’ve cooled down.

If you can’t go to sleep at night instead of getting up and turning on the TV try pacing around the house. Do some stretching and shake your arms and legs. Even walking around the house can relax you especially when everyone else is in bed and you can relax more.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Five Simple Ways To Prevent Aging

Five Simple Ways To Prevent Aging

People don’t always have to apply creams, go to the gym or undergo surgery to look young. This is because everything we need is right in front of us and all we have to do is make the most of it. Here are a few simple ways to prevent aging.

1. Studies show that exercise allows you to stay fit and strong. But did you know that sweating allows the body to exfoliate bacteria hidden in the pores? This is the reason you should bring a towel to the gym or while jogging so it can be wiped off.

2. The human body just like the planet earth is composed mainly of water. Every time we exert energy, this element is used and has to be replaced. This is the reason that doctors advise us to drink at least 8 glasses a day. Of course, there is nothing wrong with drinking more than the required volume especially after an exercise.

3. Exercise isn't enough to control anti-aging if nothing is done to improve the diet. When kids grow up, most of the food should be high in carbohydrates. Adults should substitute that with those that are high in proteins. You can do research on the web or read books about this to know which ones should be part of the lifestyle change.

4. We have always heard health experts say that people should get at least 8 hours of sleep but despite this advice, there are those who rest for only 4 to 6 everyday. One way to increase this is by reducing the time watching late night television or partying till the early morning so the body will be ready for the challenges of the following day.

5. Stress contributes to aging and the best way to control it is by being organized. You can jot things down on note pads instead of remembering important details in the head. Studies have shown that doing this aids in memory retention and lets the subconscious work on ideas that will just pop up in the morning.